Climate Worrier At Dundrum Mill Theatre May 11th 8pm

Are you worried about All The Bad News On The Environment and laugh grimly at it all?

Avoid despair and instead join me in an hour of stand up comedy, memoir and even hope as I try to grapple with Everything Being Broken and where I might start to help.

Along the way find out what Greta has in common with Irish aul lads, how to harness the power of Liveline and a simple trick for the first step in Doing A Bit.

“It is a one-man plea against tribalism, It made me laugh and think and feel a little lighter.” - Catherine Cleary Irish Times.
Tickets here - 15 euro plus booking fee and I'll be selling and signing books after.


Irish Examiner 27/02/2023 - SMS SOS


Irish Examiner 20/02/2023 - Story time.